11 июл. 2010 г.


A pyrotechnic installation composed of several (at least 5) rings with gradually increasing diameter, interconnected with 7-meter vertical intervals. Upon activation of the fire-falls mounted on the rings, this collapsible barrel turns into a breathtaking pillar of fire with the shape resembling the fabulous Tower of Babel.
Theoretically, the height of this pillar can reach 1000 meters (and even more): this depends on the load-bearing capacity of the air balloon or helicopter, which carries the installation. Fantastic view of the heaven-high Tower of Babel can be strengthened by horizontally oriented Roman candles of many varieties.
This installation was worked out by the professionals of Trest Zrelishch as a new nomination of the «very special» fireworks for the Guinness Book.

5 июл. 2010 г.

Агент 90-60-90

Ее уже называют самой сексуальной русской шпионкой. Анна Чепмен-Кущенко, покорила своей модельной внешностью, и может сыскать славу современной Маты Хари.  Потом мемуары напишет. По книге фильм снимут.....
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